
If you have a damaged tooth or dental implant, your dentist can improve its appearance with a crown — a natural-looking cap that covers the visible portion of the damaged tooth or implant. A CEREC® crown — which stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics — is a permanent crown made of solid ceramic or resin that your dentist constructs in the office using computer-aided design so it blends perfectly with your teeth. Randall S. Cislo, DMD in Kamuela, HI, has over 30 years of experience in general and cosmetic dentistry, and he will help you make a decision about getting a CEREC crown.

3 Ways to Know a CEREC Crown Is Right for You

You Want to Finish the Procedure in One Session

A downside of getting a traditional dental crown is the length of the process; your dentist places a temporary crown over the tooth and takes an impression, which is sent to an off-site facility to create your crown in about a month. With a CEREC crown, there is no delay or temporary crown. Your dentist will create the crown in their office using a computer-assisted device, and it is ready to be installed in about an hour.

You Want the Best Color Match

CEREC crown Waimea HICEREC crowns are ideal if you need to match your crown to the color of your teeth. When your dentist designs your crown, they can look at your teeth rather than refer to an impression or photograph, and this allows them to create ceramic or resin that is identical to the color of your enamel.

You Want Your Crown to Last

Traditional dental crowns usually are metal, porcelain fused to metal, resin, or a ceramic-porcelain composite. Metal makes the crown obvious, and materials like porcelain and resin are more prone to wear and might require replacement within a decade. A CEREC crown is crafted from a solid piece of ceramic or resin, making it stronger and more durable than any other dental crown.

If you live in the Waimea, HI, area and would like to improve the appearance of damaged teeth, turn to Randall S. Cislo, DMD. Call (808) 885-8617 to schedule a consultation for CEREC crowns and other cosmetic dentistry procedures, including teeth whitening and veneers. To learn more about the dental care options available at this Big Island dentist office, visit their website
