
You paid a lot of money for your car, so you want to protect your investment. That’s why the pros at Quality Transmission Service recommend familiarizing yourself with common signs of a transmission problems. They provide superior automotive repair services at their Anchorage, AK, shop, and they know how important it is to address transmission issues early to avoid expensive repairs.

Transmission Repair Pros Share 5 Signs of Trouble

1. Slipping

Does your vehicle seem to shift into another gear randomly while you’re driving? This situation is called slipping, and it warrants a trip to the transmission repair shop as soon as possible.

2. Delayed Engagement

It might sound like the title of a romantic comedy, but a delayed engagement occurs when your car doesn’t immediately react when you shift from park into drive. A transmission in good repair will respond instantaneously, so have your system checked if your car is slow to shift.

3. Unusual Noises

Transmission repair Anchorage AKDoes your car make a distinct whining sound? That noise not only is irritating but a sign of a possible problem with your transmission or brakes. Either way, you should have an automotive repair expert take a closer look.

4. Burning Smells

When your transmission starts to wear down, one of the first signs you might notice is a burning odor when you exit the vehicle. This smell is caused by transmission fluid burning up.

5. Leaking Fluid

If you see a red stain beneath the spot where you usually park your car, it’s probably transmission fluid, not oil — and it’s an urgent sign you should head to your local transmission repair shop.

If you spot any of these warning signs, head to Quality Transmission Service in Anchorage, AK, to have them check the state of your car. They’ll provide excellent transmission repairs to get you back behind the wheel in no time. To schedule brake service, clutch replacement, or engine repairs, contact them online or call (907) 561-8767.
