
Match your St Patty’s Day green to your meal! So many nutritious, low calorie green veggies!! Where do we begin…

  • Lettuce greens: Spinach, Kale, Romaine, Watercress
  • Green snacks: Raw broccoli, asparagus spears, zucchini slices, crisp snow peas, sliced green peppers.
  • Sneak in the green: Tuck spinach into your eggs, kale on your pita, asparagus in your pasta, add greens to your smoothie. 

Besides the fresh, delicious taste these greens supply plenty of nutrients— vitamin C, folate, and vitamin K to name a few.  Bulk up on greens and reduce your calories from starchy breads, pastas, and snacks.  Your body will reap the rewards.
