
Many drivers aren’t aware of the complex nature of a car and often take them for granted. However, there are a few steps you can take to extend your vehicle’s lifespan. Regular transmission maintenance, for instance, is critical to keep it in top condition.

Transmission Services has been working with people in Lincoln, NE, for years, and has a few tips that will help your car run at its best:

  • transmission repairTransmission Maintenance: The first step to making sure your car runs at optimal levels is to have your transmission routinely inspected. Since fluids should be replaced every 60,000 miles or every 2 years (which ever comes first), local transmission shops will be happy to help you replace them and keep your car’s transmission healthy.
  • Understand Warning Signs: Over time, most drivers come to understand their cars and have a feel for when they’re not performing right. It’s no different with your transmission. Dark fluids leaking from your vehicle may indicate that your fluid is dirty or that the transmission is not lubricating properly. Temperature gauges may run hot, and you may even smell a burning odor. If any of these happen, take your car in for transmission repair.
  • Do Your Part: You don’t always need to have transmission maintenance performed. Instead, you can do a lot from home to keep your car running smoothly, so be proactive in keeping it healthy. Check your transmission’s fluids regularly to make sure they’re clean, and don’t forget to read your owner’s manual. Simple steps like these will help you keep on top of any potential issues.

Whether you need maintenance or repairs, Transmission Services has you covered. Their staff of friendly professionals will be glad to answer any questions you might have. Call at (402) 475-3637 to book your appointment for transmission maintenance, or visit them online for more information.
