
“Wait a minute,” you might say, “I thought you were all about getting people to buy-in to all decisions?” Well, sort of, but not completely. You see, our training is about helping leaders get their teams more engaged in the direction their organizations need to go.

BUT, there are also times when, as a leader, decisions need to be made that may not be popular or may not be understood by everyone at the time. These are sometimes hard decisions or decisions that need to be held close to the vest for legal or other reasons. As I’ve said in previous posts, I’m not a fan of “consensus leadership.” Rather, you are a leader because you have qualities that other people want to follow. You want your team to be involved, but at some point, the buck stops with you.

This article on ways to be more decisive I’ve found to be very helpful in making those hard decisions.These guidelines from very successful people can help you determine when and how to make those hard decisions. I think you’ll find it helpful too!

If improving your management team’s skill set is important to you, let’s talk for 30 minutes and I’ll help you figure out what to do about it. To schedule a time to talk, call 720-515-8081 or email
