
While squirrels can drive us nutty with their wild antics, curiosity, and tendency to steal food, they’re endearing creatures that surprise and delight even the most seasoned wildlife control experts. Connecticut’s humane animal control experts at American Bio-Tech believe the best way to live in harmony with these common critters is to understand them better. They outline the most interesting facts about neighborhood squirrels below. 

Wildlife Control Experts’ Top Squirrel Facts

1. Squirrels Help Plant Trees new-milford-wildlife-control

Up to a quarter of a single squirrel’s hidden nuts are stolen by other animals or completely forgotten. Thankfully, these busy and erratic creatures help fertilize trees with their lost food supplies. However, if you see a squirrel bury a nut, he may be deceiving you—these rodents often pretend to bury their meals to try to prevent other animals from finding their real stash. 

2. Squirrels Are Intelligent 

In addition to their ability to deceive fellow mammals, squirrels are highly strategic and resilient. They are capable of living almost anywhere, are willing to feed off a variety of sustenance, and will do anything they can to stay warm, dry, and full. Animal behaviorists say they’re quick learners, and they easily can remember familiar trees and hiding spots. 

3. Squirrels’ Teeth Never Stop Growing 

No wonder squirrels love to chew on wires and wood—their front teeth never stop growing, so they need a way to sharpen, trim, and clean them. This is a common trait of other rodents like rats and mice, which is why they’re popular culprits for animal control calls. 

While squirrels are typically friendly, you may need some help keeping them outside of your home, especially during the cold season. For humane, squirrel-friendly wildlife control, call American Bio-Tech in Litchfield County at (860) 355-1231. To learn more about their service areas across Connecticut, visit their website
