
To create a flawless sound for your home theater, you need to work with the right speakers. Using multiple subwoofers is a better idea for total surround sound than relying on only one. While you might think using more than one loudspeaker is the equivalent of turning up the volume, the goal is to create a balanced bass sound.  A subwoofer is all about bass, crafting a sound that rivals what you might hear in a movie theater.

Here is how multiple subwoofers will enhance your surround sound:

  • surround soundFixes Phase Distortion: Phase distortion reduces clarity and timbre, resulting in a thick, muffled sound. Using multiple loudspeakers produces different frequencies to clarify the sound.
  • Reduces Dead Spots: As you configure your home theater system, you might notice the bass sounds fantastic from one seat in the room and is practically inaudible in another. Multiple subwoofers allow for greater sound coverage throughout the room and create a “smoothness” that sounds the same in any seat.
  • Flattens Equalization: Equalization, or EQ, is usually set to “flat” as a default. By using multiple subwoofers, you’ll achieve a balanced sound that provides optimal levels of both bass and treble. You won’t lack for one over the other, and the sound will be fully equalized throughout the theater space.


If you need to add another subwoofer to your home theater system, Resolutions Sight Sound Simplicity is your go-to audio source in Cincinnati, OH. The team will help you design and install a fantastic setup, including speakers that deliver the surround sound you crave. Visit their website or call (937) 985-4364 to learn more about their services.
