
For any machine, maintaining a properly functioning motor is crucial to its performance. Because of this, having knowledgeable professionals on your side to identify potential problems and repair existing damage is extremely helpful. Thankfully for residents of Cincinnati and the Tri-state area, A-1 Electric Motor Service has more than 50 years of electric motor repair experience and is skilled in a wide range of techniques, including the important task of motor balancing.

With a dynamic balancing machine at their disposal, the staff at A-1 Electric Motor Service can eliminate problematic balancing issues. In many different types of machines, rotating parts contribute to the work output. Normally, these parts rotate in perfect alignment, making for a smooth and efficient operation. When these parts become unbalanced, however, a number of issues can arise, from loud noises due to rubbing to a significant loss of energy efficiency.

balancingTo remedy these issues, the rotating part in question is set up with sensors that can detect vibrations and irregularities in balance. The part is then rotated, and after the sensors detect the area and amount of vibration, the data is used to determine the balancing fixes that need to be made. This involves adding weight to specific areas of the rotating part to counteract the imbalance. After the issues are repaired, the machine is returned to a properly operating state and is able to function without the energy loss and noise caused by the balancing problem.

Since many different types of machines use rotating parts as components of their operation, balancing is an important part of electric motor maintenance and repair. If you think your machine may be experiencing balancing problems, contacting the skilled staff of A-1 Electric Motor Service can get you well on the way to proper and efficient function. For more information, call (859) 291-1351 or visit the website today.
