
After you have suffered injuries in car wreck, you want to get well, not fight with an insurance company. When is it time to seek legal help? Dothan, Alabama’s Carey & Hamner, P.C., the experienced car accident lawyers, answer this question frequently. While each case is different, look for these signs if you wonder whether it’s time to hire a car accident lawyer.

Here are occasions during the insurance claims process when you should consider hiring a car accident lawyer:

  • A City or County Employee Injured You: Alabama has special requirements for giving notice to a city or county in personal injury claims. You should consult a lawyer who will submit the paperwork in proper form, to the proper authorities on time, and protect your claim.
  • Liability Is in Question: When more than one person may be liable, or there is a question whether you were partly at fault, you need a lawyer to be your advocate. Car Accident Lawyer
  • You Have a Permanent Disability: Permanent, partial, or total disability, lasting scars, or disfigurements increase the value of your claim. A seasoned personal injury lawyer will position you to recover all that you deserve.  
  • In Complex Circumstances: Circumstances such as multi-vehicle collisions and possible vehicle defects can complicate a claim. Lawyers assemble forensic investigative teams to protect your ability to collect full compensation.  
  • The Insurer Denies Your Claim: When the insurance company refuses to pay, you need a zealous car accident lawyer to fight for your right to recover damages.

Carey & Hamner, P.C. offers effective representation in car accident claims, whether they involve minor fender-benders or complex wrongful death cases. You can trust these seasoned professionals to pursue every avenue available to seek full recovery for you.  

If you need a car accident lawyer, contact Carey & Hamner, P.C., in Dothan, AL. Call (855) 435-4797 to reach an experienced lawyer or visit them online for more information.
