
Professional color printing requires a great amount of detail, which is why printing services will ask if you prefer RGB, CMYK, or PMS color settings. These are “color profiles” that define how colors are used to create hues. Depending on what you’re printing, it’s important to know which is best to ensure the final product looks exactly as you intend. Each color profile has preferred purposes and unique elements that are important to consider when preparing something for printing services.

The Difference Between RGB, CMYK, & PMS


RGB is the oldest and most common. Colors are created by combining red, green, and blue. This is best saved for digital design, as any RGB-based design will have to be converted to CMYK or PMS for printing services.


printing-servicesThe CMYK model is known as a “four-color process.” The four base colors—cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black)—are mixed during printing to create different shades. CMYK is the most diverse model for digital printing and is best for photography or intricate color combinations.


Pantone Matching System, or “PMS,” combines pre-existing colors that are assigned a numbered code. Since each contains a pre-mixed ink, no color mixing is necessary during printing. This creates the most consistent color possible. PMS is ideal for printing branded material or logos, as well as darker, monochromatic colors that CMYK will have difficulty recreating.

Depending on what you’re printing, choosing the wrong color profile may result in something less accurate than what you created digitally. Reprints can be costly, especially if you’re required to adhere to corporate color profiles, so knowing the different between RGB, CMYK, and PMS can ensure you get the outcome you want.

If you have questions about which color profile is right for you, contact the printing professionals at American North Printers—Anchorage, AK’s premier print shop. If you’d like to learn more about printing services, visit their website, or call at (907) 562-6416.
