
Hawaii's always been considered a beautiful place to live. Warm ocean breezes, tropical temperatures and sunshine approximately 250 days a year means a near-perfect living environment.  Unfortunately, the inviting climate also means bugs are just as drawn to the state as humans. That’s why you should make sure you have a strong screen covering your windows, doors, and any other potential entrances to your home or office. You don’t need to share your living room with unwanted, invasive insects.

The following are five bugs—common in Hawaii—that can be kept out with quality screens on your windows and doors:

5 Hawaiian Insects A Screen Will Protect You From

1. Centipedes

Centipedes are what many people think of when asked to imagine the kind of bugs they’d most like to avoid. In Hawaii, they can grow up to one foot long, and one inch in width. On top of that, it’s a lot harder to kill them than you may expect. Take steps to keep them outside.

2. Cane Spiders

Sure, they’re technically harmless, but these large spiders, commonly found in Hawaii, don’t make for welcome houseguests. You’ll want to be sure they can’t make their way in through your doors. You don’t want to wake up and see one of these on your wall or ceiling.

screen3. Assassin Bug

As the name suggests, this insect is notoriously deadly among its fellow bugs. While it can’t do any real harm to humans, its bite is painful.

4. Dobsonflies

With this particular bug, you should be aware that the male is the one that looks intimidating, but the female is the one to watch out for. The male isn’t very aggressive, but the female will deliver a sharp bite when it feels threatened.

5. Cockroaches

Again, Hawaii is a beautiful place. Unfortunately, that means it has cockroaches much bigger than the kind you might run into elsewhere. Put a sturdy screen in front of any opening to your house if you plan on keeping them out.

Hawaii may be paradise, but that doesn’t mean you want to share your home with every bug that calls the state home.

Want some help with keeping bugs at bay and away from the inside of your home? Based in Kapolei, Hawaii, the team at Screen Products, Inc., will equip you with what you need to keep your home free of insects. Contact them online, or call (808) 676-6426.
