
When it comes to the fight against oral cancer, your dentist plays a major role. With regular checkups and X-rays at your local dental office, Fort Thomas’s Pfeiffer Family Dentistry says your care team can help you spot signs of trouble and, if necessary, get patients into treatment as quickly as possible. To encourage oral cancer awareness, their team explains how your dentist screens for cancer and what you can do at home to keep yourself healthy. 

Dentist’s Role in Preventing Oral Cancer 

How Oral Cancer Is Screened & Prevented

Your twice yearly dental cleaning and exam is the ideal time for your dentist to check for symptoms of oral cancer. While they examine your teeth, they can also check for abnormal sores, new, white patches in the mouth, loose teeth and other changes in mouth tissue color. Your routine X-rays will also be able to determine if your jaw placement has changed since the last appointment, which can be a symptom of oral cancer. 

Before or after your oral exam, your dentist or hygienist should consult with you to check if you are healing normally from any mouth injuries, if you are experiencing any pain, or if you have noticed any changes in how your jaw feels or works. The dentist will also feel your neck and the external portions of your jaw for inflammation, lumps, or swelling and ask you if you’ve experienced any recent throat pain or trouble swallowing. 

dentistTell your dentist if you currently have HPV, have a weak immune system, or have a blood condition, all of which can increase your risk of oral cancer. You can prevent oral cancer by seeing your dentist at least twice per year, avoiding the use of tobacco—especially the smokeless variety—and limiting your alcohol intake or avoiding alcohol completely. Eat healthy, exercise, and limit sun exposure to your lips to further decrease your chances of developing oral cancer. 

When to Call a Dentist 

If you have sores in your mouth that bleed and/or won’t go away, lumps in your neck or jaw area, trouble breathing, teeth that have moved or become loose, difficulty with chewing or swallowing, problems moving your tongue, chronic throat pain, or changes in how your jaw works, call your family dentist or emergency dental service right away. They can help you determine the cause of your discomfort and provide you with solutions. Unsure if your dentist screens for oral cancer as part of their routine exam? Ask about it at your next appointment. 

A proactive and caring dental and oral surgery team can help you prevent and fight oral cancer. To make an appointment with a dentist who takes your health seriously, call Pfeiffer Family Dentistry in Fort Thomas, KY, at (859) 441-1900. To learn more about their cosmetic dentistry services and emergency dental care, visit their website
