
Posting bail grants you temporary freedom as you await trial on the charges you're facing. This freedom, however, does not come without conditions. The courts, law enforcement, and your bail bond agent all have an interest in ensuring you uphold your end of the bargain that is implicit in all bail postings. Below are three typical conditions of being out on bail.

3 Typical Conditions of Being Out on Bail

1. Obey All Laws

You are required to comply with a list of conditions in order to be released from custody. One of the most common is an agreement to obey all laws in their entirety. This helps you stay out of further trouble and not complicate the legal situation you're currently in.

2. Don't Leave the State

bailAnother typical condition of being free on bail is the stipulation that you do not leave the state. This allows the law to have a general idea of where you're at while you're not in custody; it also demonstrates you have no intention of jumping bail or not adhering to the terms of your release. If you live or work in another state close to where you were arrested, check with law enforcement and your bail bond agent to make sure you follow proper protocol.

3. If You Commit Another Crime, You Go Back to Jail

This essentially says that there will be no second chance when it comes to bail. If, while out on bail, you commit another crime, you will be rebooked and readmitted to jail. And, you probably won't have the opportunity to post bail again; if you do, the amount will be substantially higher.

Godfrey Bonding in Canton, GA, is a bail bond agent available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to clients throughout the Cherokee County area. Call (770) 479-5230, visit their website, or connect with them via Facebook to learn more about posting bail or to start the bail process. If bail is an option in your arrest, you have every right to post it; just be sure you are sticking closely to the conditions of your release.
