
Whether you’ve got a dog that won’t stop barking or a pooch that gets anxious every time you leave the house, the professional veterinarians from Pet Health Clinic in Daleville, VA, are always available to help. Because they want you to have the best relationship possible with your pets, they’ve compiled a few dog training tips for you.

If you’re having trouble with your pooch, the expert veterinarians with Pet Health Clinic offer three of the most common canine behavioral problems, as well as some pointers on how to solve them:

  • pet-wellness-veterinarianChewing: This behavioral issue is common among puppies that are teething. However, it can also become a problem with larger dogs who suffer from boredom or anxiety. If you’ve got a dog that can’t seem to stop chewing, don’t punish it, as this will just increase their anxiousness and cause them to chew even more. The professionals at Pet Health Clinic suggest redirecting your pooch to an appropriate chew toy when you catch them chewing on an object they’re not supposed to, or applying an aversive spray to objects they can’t keep away from.
  • Excessive Barking: If you’ve got a pooch that won’t stop barking, in order to correct it, you need to first determine why they’re doing it—is it because of excitement, anxiety, to give you a warning, or from lack of attention? After you’ve figured out why your pet is barking, try training them to be quiet by using simple commands. If barking persists, you may need the help of a professional. 
  • Begging: Begging can turn into a big problem, which is why it’s important that you don’t encourage it—doing so can lead to obesity and other health issues. Veterinarians suggest confining your pet to another area of the home while you eat, preferably one where they cannot stare at you. You could also try training them to move away from the table once your meal begins.

For more helpful tips on how to curb behavioral problems in your pets, contact the veterinarians from Pet Health Clinic today at (540) 992-4550. They also specialize in pet vaccinations and flea control, so visit them online for a complete list of services.
