
If your home was built before 1980, there’s a chance that you could be exposed to asbestos. This substance was used in building materials like shingles, insulation, and siding until it was banned by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1977. Rather than overlooking the dangers and risking your family’s health, the asbestos removal team at Astech in Bridgeport, CT, recommends learning more about this harmful material so you can safeguard your home as soon as possible.

asbestos removalAs long as the structure of your home is not disturbed, then there is less of a risk associated with asbestos. However, once a home remodeling project is initiated or damage is done to your property, this toxic substance can be released into the air and come in contact with your body. Many times, those affected end up developing mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other diseases that can be fatal. Unfortunately, when someone develops asbestosis, the symptoms manifest like other less harmful illnesses, causing the disease the grow and worsen over time. That’s why asbestos removal has been a common practice since the late 1970’s in the United States.

Any time that paint chips from a wall or a screw is driven into a surface, asbestos could escape and enter your respiratory system. These minerals were once used because they are extremely durable and resistant to heat, fire and chemicals. But ever since the EPA found asbestos to be harmful to humans, they’ve been outlawed in the building industry.

By understanding the harm that asbestos can do to your family members, tenants, clients, or staff members, Astech hopes that you will consider asbestos removal to guarantee that your structure is completely free of this harmful substance. To learn more about what asbestos is and why you should remove it from your structure, call these professionals at (203) 335-0502 or visit them online today. 
