
Car insurance is critical for protecting your finances in the event of an unforeseen accident—but the very best way to protect yourself is to avoid getting into a fender bender in the first place. That’s why the Lafever Insurance Agency of Cookeville, TN, has compiled a list of useful tips to help you drive safely and stay out of trouble on the road. After all, avoiding accidents offers the additional benefit of keeping your car insurance quotes low.

Here’s what you should remember when you’re behind the wheel:

  • car insuranceAvoid Distracted Driving: Keep your attention on what is ahead of you on the road at all times. Turn off all of your mobile devices, and consider ignoring your vehicle’s touchscreen—instead, opt for voice commands in your car.
  • Don’t Drive While Inebriated: If you’ve had a beer or two, call a cab or a rideshare car. The hassle of recovering your vehicle the next morning is no big deal when compared to the real dangers of drunk driving, for both yourself and others.
  • Drive Carefully in Inclement Weather & at Night: Not only should you be careful when visibility is poor, but you should also be cautious when street conditions are affected by rain or snow. If you can avoid driving in bad weather, you’ll reduce your chances of getting into an accident.
  • Do Regular Maintenance: There is nothing as dangerous as a blown tire or brake failure on the road, so be sure to have your car looked at by a qualified mechanic on a regular basis. 
  • Use Seat Belts & Child Safety Seats: Child safety seats not only ensure that your children have a better chance of surviving an accident, but they also inhibit them from squabbling in the back seat, distracting you. You, of course, should also buckle up every time you get behind the wheel. 

These few good practices, courtesy of your local auto insurance agent, will help you get to where you’re going safely, and will assist in keeping your policy quotes low. To find out more about your car insurance options, call the Lafever Insurance Agency at (931) 526-3377. You can also visit their website to learn more. 
