
Keeping your home in good shape means staying on top of plumbing problems. If you notice issues with your system, get in touch with a licensed plumber as soon as possible. The sooner you schedule plumbing repair work, the better your chances of preventing a minor issue from turning into a major problem:

The following are especially important plumbing problems to fix right away:

1. Leaky Faucets

Leaky faucets usually aren’t a sign of a major issue. They simply indicate that your tap fittings are wearing down. Luckily, these are easy and inexpensive to replace. However, it is important to do so quickly. Although it might not seem like you’re wasting a lot of water, a leaky faucet can actually use up a tremendous amount of water over a relatively short period of time, driving your bills up substantially.

Plumbing Problems2. Pipe Clogs

Your pipes can get clogged for a number of reasons, from grease buildup in the kitchen to flushing objects down the toilet that don’t belong there. When they do, contact a plumber right away, because a clogged pipe can cause leaks and unsanitary conditions when wastewater backs up. 

3. Running Toilet

If your toilet won't stop running, you might just need to adjust the chain that connects the toilet flush lever to the rubber flapper. Otherwise, you may need to replace certain components that can warp over time, or contact a plumber to assess your whole system. 


If you notice any of these plumbing problems, get in touch with the professionals at American Sewer & Septic Service in Albany, OR. For more information, contact them online or call (541) 926-1185 today. The best way to prevent major repairs is to contact a plumber at the first sign of trouble. Doing so will save you a lot of money in the long run.
