
Raising safe and healthy farm animals requires hard work and basic knowledge about how to properly feed and house them. Helping your farm animals adjust to changing weather conditions and protecting them from danger are just some of the ways to ensure they are well cared for. The farm insurance team at Texas County Mutual Insurance, providers of homeowner and machinery insurance policies in Licking, MO, discuss important wellness tips for your farm animals.

These are the top three wellness tips to know for your farm animals.

  • farm insuranceLearn Proper Handling Techniques: Farm animals can be unpredictable, and they must be handled with caution at all times. Make sure you and your workers are trained in proper animal handling and learn the temperament of the animals you are working with. It's also important to ensure your fences and animal yards are well-designed and properly maintained.
  • Prepare for Weather Conditions: Many farm animals can handle seasonal weather changes on their own, but they require special care during extreme weather conditions. When the temperatures drop below freezing, you may need to heat your barn to protect your animals from frostbite and hypothermia. Animals also need to be cared for during hot weather with plenty of cool water and shade.
  • Feed a Proper Diet: Feeding your farm animals a well-balanced diet while taking care to avoid overfeeding helps to ensure their wellness. Cattle, sheep, and goats have a similar diet consisting of grass and hay, often supplemented with root crops and cereal. Pigs typically eat cereal grains and oilseed meals, while chicken and ducks eat mainly cereal grains. Farm animals also need an abundance of fresh, clean water at all times.

The farm insurance team at Texas County Mutual Insurance offers dwelling and machinery insurance policies, providing peace of mind for you and your family. Give them a call at (573) 674-3125 for an insurance quote, or visit their website to learn more about their farm insurance policies.
