
Having an assault charge on your record can leave roadblocks in your way for years to come—making it harder to gain employment or even rent an apartment. If you've been charged with this crime, it's in your best interest to seek out a skilled attorney who can provide precise legal advice and ensure your rights are respected. In fact, the quality of your criminal defense lawyer may be the single greatest factor in determining the outcome of your case.

attorneyPolice and prosecutors are trained to make the case against you seem airtight, and they often present conviction as a foregone conclusion. With these and other tactics, they can trick you into giving up rights you didn't even know you had, gathering further information to build an even stronger case. A skilled criminal defense attorney will have the legal understanding to intervene on your behalf and demand fair treatment.

The assistance they provide at the negotiating table can be just as valuable as their help in the interrogation room. Most criminal cases do end in a plea bargain, so having an attorney with relevant experience will make a world of difference. Many competent defense lawyers maintain strong working relationships with the prosecution, which they may be able to leverage for your benefit. While prosecutors don’t usually negotiate with defendants who represent themselves, your attorney may be able to reduce your sentence and minimize its impact on the rest of your life.


With over 35 years of experience across a broad range of practice areas, James T. Kratovil Law Offices, PLLC in Charles Town, WV, has represented clients for almost every crime on the books. As a former assistant prosecutor, Attorney Kratovil brings unique insight to every case to help his clients achieve the best possible outcome. If you're facing assault charges, visit his website now or call (304) 728-7718 for a free initial consultation.
