
When it comes to issues like child custody and visitation, divorcing couples can sometimes struggle to see eye to eye. That’s why the service of a dedicated family law attorney like those found at the Kleveland Law Offices is so important when navigating sensitive divorce topics.

Attorney Jeanelle S. Kleveland is proud to provide clients in Lincoln, NE, quality legal advice on a range of issues. As a skilled family lawyer, she can answer your most pressing child custody and visitation questions, which is an important component of making the best decision for you and your family.

1. How Does the Court Decide Child Custody and Visitation?

Stability is an essential factor in which parent receives primary custody. For instance, many courts are reluctant to remove a child from their school and community unless there are extenuating circumstances. The court will also try to make a decision that is in the best interest of the child. This can be based on a number of factors, such as the relationship between parent and child, the ability to provide for basic needs, and the child’s own preference.

Child Custody2. Is One Parent Always Awarded Custody?

In many cases, the courts will attempt to award joint custody. Joint custody can be either physical or legal; physical custody refers to who is primarily responsible for caring for the child, while legal custody involves who makes major decisions on behalf of the child. If sole custody is awarded, the non-custodial parent will be allowed visitation.

3. Are Mothers Favored Over Fathers?

While it was previously common to give sole custody to the mother when children were of a certain age, these days courts behave in a much fairer manner. Again, custody will be based on a number of factors, focusing primarily on what’s best for the child.

Child Custody4. Can Someone Else Be Awarded Custody?

In the event that neither parent is deemed fit to care for their children, the court may look outside the immediate family for guardianship. This can include other family members, or foster care if no other family members are deemed appropriate.

For more than 33 years attorney Kleveland and the rest of the staff at Kleveland Law Offices have remained dedicated to providing exemplary legal guidance to their clients. Visit the website for more information on child custody and other family law issues. You can also call (402) 477-7776 today to schedule a consultation in Lincoln with a top attorney.
