
Whether you’re ready to get your business up and running, it’s essential to make sure you have your bases covered when it comes to business law. The great ideas are in place, the business plan is secure, but there are pertinent legal details and advice that you should adhere to. Arndt Buswell & Thorn SC in Sparta, WI, is a full-service firm with over 25 years of experience. They’re experts in providing business law guidance and services to ensure you’re optimized and prepared to launch with a foolproof plan.

5 Tips for Running Your Business

1. Make Things Official

Before you launch your new business, you’ll need to determine the entity type and register with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. This will get you officially on the books so that operations and marketing can begin.

Business Law2. Ask the Right Questions

For both first-time and seasoned business owners, there are a lot of specifics to know when it comes to operations. Depending on what sector you’re operating in, rules, recommendations, and best practices can vary greatly. It’s important to reach out to consultants for guidance throughout the process, and experts at Arndt Buswell & Thorn are glad to help you solidify your business plan and keep yourself protected in legal matters.

3. Establish a Headquarters

Setting up shop requires more than just hanging up a company sign and opening the doors. Real estate laws, employment laws, and municipal laws all become a factor when you establish your turf, and it’s essential that you take the proper measures to ensure you’re meeting all legal requirements necessary for ownership and operation. Wisconsin requires that a real estate attorney provide legal advice when purchasing a property, so consult to learn the details of real estate law before making a transaction.

4. Learn How to Manage Employees

While you might be familiar with how to run a company, it’s important to get acquainted with your employees’ legal rights. Insurance claims for injury on the job, proper treatment, and worker’s compensation are all essentials to know, so do your research and reach out to the necessary help centers to make sure you’re creating an optimal environment for your team that abides by employment law specifics.

5. Get Your Tax Advantages

Wisconsin offers specialized tax benefits for business owners, and it’s important to know what’s available for write-off, as well as what incentives are open to you. Arndt Buswell & Thorn SC are familiar with the ins-and-outs of the Department of Revenue and can help ensure you’re taking advantage of all available opportunities for tax exemption.

Whether it’s legal guidance or business law advice, Arndt Buswell & Thorn can help you get things up and running. They build lasting relationships with clients to ensure long-term success, so check out their website and Facebook page, and give them a call at (608) 269-1200 to ensure you have everything covered for the future.
