
From the toaster to the television, everyday life is powered by electricity. Because electrical power is so convenient and commonplace, many people don’t think twice about their home’s electrical system. However, routine safety checks are essential. The certified electricians at Patnode Electric in Mansfield, CT, say one of the simplest tests you can do is to check the temperature of your electrical outlets.

Below, the team discusses six potential causes of a warm outlet. Use these to determine if there’s a simple solution or if it’s time to call an expert:  

  • A Wall Wart in Use: Chargers and modems when plugged directly into the wall can make the outlet feel warm. Unplug the item, and wait a couple of hours. If the outlet hasn’t cooled down, you may need to replace the charger or modem. If the problem continues, consider calling an electrician to investigate further. 
  • electrical Too Many Plugins: There may be too much demand on the outlet. Power strips and outlet multipliers are convenient but can drain a significant amount of energy. Try unplugging a few items and placing them elsewhere.
  • Faulty Wiring: If there are loose wires or terminals inside the outlet, these can generate excess heat because of the flow of electricity. This issue is severe and requires immediate attention from a professional.
  • Broken Infrastructure: If you can see parts of a plug or switch are broken, replace it immediately. This is also a good time to call an electrician — they can inspect the system and ensure no other parts are damaged.
  • Too Much Demand on the Circuitry: You may have an excessively high electrical current flowing to a switch or outlet. If so, an electrician will need to rewire the circuits so all switches and plugs in the room are not overloading a single circuit.
  • Old & Incorrectly Sized Breaker or Fuse: If you have an older home that hasn’t had an electrical system update in some time, you might have an incorrectly sized breaker or fuse. Essentially, older electrical systems aren’t capable of handling the demand of modern electronic devices. If this is the case, a professional electrician will need to update the system to get it up to par.

A warm outlet could indicate anything from a minor issue to a severe system malfunction. For experienced, professional help, call on the dependable local electrical contractors. To schedule an appointment, or for more information, call Patnode Electric at (860) 429-3574, or visit the website to learn more. 
