
After damage due to injury or severe decay, some teeth can be saved with the help of a filling, crown, or another restorative procedure. Other times, the tooth cannot be salvaged, and it needs to be removed. Today, dentist Susan Kleier, DMD, in Lexington, KY, will explain when and why a tooth extraction is necessary.

tooth extractionWhether someone is struck in the mouth with a soccer ball or suffers a bad fall, a tooth extraction may be necessary due to injury. If the damage is too extensive to be restored, or if the tooth is too loose, then the tooth must be removed.

Tooth decay is another common reason. Without proper oral care, including regular visits to the dentist, the tooth may decay to such a degree that it becomes irreparable. While a filling and crown can often halt tooth decay before it exacerbates and destroys the tooth, more drastic measures may be necessary if a patient fails to receive treatment. Afterward, it will need to be restored with a dental implant or in the case of multiple missing teeth, a dental bridge.

Typically between the ages of 17 and 25, most people need their wisdom teeth removed. Often, a person’s mouth doesn’t accommodate the incoming growth of these new molars. Without removing them, they may provoke pain, alignment issues, or infection. Other times, individuals with braces may need to have a tooth extracted to make way for shifting teeth. 

Today, tooth extractions are quick, pain-free, and reliable. To learn more about improving your smile, contact the area’s top family dentist. Call the practice of Susan Kleier, DMD, today at (859) 225-1188 or visit the website to learn more. 
