
In the world of driveway paving and residential construction, knowledge is power. Choosing the right type of asphalt for your paving job comes down to knowing the differences and understanding which variety is right for you. Beausoleil & Sons, Inc. have put together this list of asphalt varieties so you can make the right choice for your property, tastes, and budget.

Here are the most common varieties of asphalt:

  • Hot Mix Asphalt: Hot mix asphalt is an excellent choice for driveway paving because of its durability and elegant, finished appearance. It's also the best option for battling winter months due to its unique heating process that removes moisture prior to mixing. As a result, it will withstand freezing and thawing, and won’t be affected by salt in the winter. Hot mix is relatively inexpensive and doesn’t require much maintenance over time, but paving with hot mix is usually restricted to summer months in order to accommodate the asphalt’s heat requirements.
  • Warm Mix Asphalt: Warm mix doesn’t ever reach the same temperature as hot mix, so it doesn’t require quite the same fuel-intensive process. This means a lower consumption of fossil fuels and an overall friendlier process for the environment. Whereas hot mix asphalt is restricted to summer months, warm mix asphalt allows the paving season to extend into the fall and winter months.
  • Porous Asphalt: Porous asphalt is normally used for parking lots because it allows water to drain through its surface. Site planners usually install a stone bed underneath the asphalt that gives the water a slow route back into the soil. The porous asphalt process is more expensive than other conventional asphalts, but it is usually a cost-saver compared to other storm management solutions.
  • Perpetual Pavement: Perpetual pavement is a multi-layer design that combines different types of asphalt to ensure a very long life. The bottom layer is flexible to avoid cracks, the middle layer is strong and durable, and the top layer is rut-resistant and made of hot mix asphalt. Perpetual pavement is typically used to extend the life of a roadway because the top layer can be replaced periodically while the other layers remain intact for years to come.

If you are looking to put your knowledge to good use, contact the best paving company in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and California. Call Beausoleil and Sons, Inc. at (800)-995-4945 or visit them online for a free estimate.
