
Your furnace plays a key role in optimizing your comfort. However, if you run it frequently, it can also drive up your energy bills. That’s why you should look for ways to boost its efficiency. A furnace repair professional can supply you with useful tips to ensure you use as little energy as possible while also staying warm. Chief among these is to check and replace your filters.

Furnace Stonington CTYour furnace is a complicated machine. And like all complex machines, it runs best when it’s protected from dust, debris, and other contaminants. That’s why your heating system is equipped with a filter. This barrier keeps contaminants out of the unit so it can continue to operate reliably. The problem is, as the filter gets clogged up, your furnace becomes a lot less efficient, using more and more energy to keep your home or commercial building warm. As a result, you’ll find yourself spending far more money on energy bills than you need to.

Luckily, there’s a very simple way to avoid this problem. During the colder months, when you’ll be running your heating system frequently, check the filter once a week. If you’re not sure how to do this, consult the instruction manual or ask an HVAC specialist to explain the process. Although the filter will almost always be a little dirty, it should be essentially transparent. When you can no longer see through it clearly, it’s time to replace your filter with a new one.

There are plenty of way to keep your energy bills low, from running your system less often to investing in newer, more efficient appliances. In the meantime, changing your filters is a simple way to save a lot of money.

Looking to schedule furnace installation or repair services in the Stonington, CT, area? Get in touch with Duncklee Cooling & Heating by contacting them online or by calling (860) 535-2552.
