
Estimates suggest the cost to repair termite damage and control infestations in the U.S. can reach as high as $5 billion per year. Hilo Termite & Pest Control, the most experienced residential pest control company on the Big Island of Hawaii, encourages new homeowners to minimize the risk of termite damage by scheduling a timely inspection. Since 1963, this locally-owned and -operated business has helped homeowners with termite inspections as well as preventative ground treatments, tent fumigation, and other reliable pest control measures.

Protect Your Investment

Residential pest control in Hilo, HIMost lenders require homebuyers to schedule a termite inspection as part of the loan process. However, if you paid cash for your new home or your lender did not require an inspection, contact a reliable exterminator immediately. Your home is one of your most important and valuable investments, so protecting it is crucial. Repairs for termite damage usually cost several thousand dollars, and in some cases the destruction is extensive enough to render a home uninhabitable. You can reduce damage and repair costs by detecting and exterminating an infestation early.

Schedule Regular Termite Inspections

Even if you had a pre-purchase termite inspection for your home, you should schedule regular checkups with a residential pest control company. Termites swarm in the spring, which means young insects leave their nests to create new colonies — perhaps in your home. In Hawaii, the climate is warm and humid year round, making it conducive to hazardous termite activity.

Hilo Termite & Pest Control has been in business for more than 50 years, so they have the experience and skills to identify and exterminate a termite infestation before it can wreck your budget or devastate your home. Visit their website to learn more about their services, and call (808) 935-8301 to schedule a termite inspection.
