
Parents anticipating divorce usually have many questions about custody of their children. It’s a crucial decision for your child's welfare, and there's a lot at stake. The divorce lawyers at Bates Law Firm, PLLC in Wadesboro, NC, are ready to answer questions to ease your concerns about child custody issues before, during, and after the divorce to give you the information you need.

Child Custody FAQs 

Who Decides Which Parent Gets Child Custody?

Generally, the courts prefer to have parents work out child custody decisions, and divorce lawyers and mediators often help them negotiate a plan. North Carolina offers a child custody and visitation mediation program to help parents reach an agreement. In situations when that’s not possible, such as spousal or child abuse cases, a state district court judge will make the custody decision.

How Does The Court Decide?

Child custody Wadesboro NCThe court always applies the standard of what is in the best interest of the child. Judges take many factors into account, including the wishes of the parents and child, the child’s relationship with each parent, evidence of abuse or neglect, drug or alcohol dependence, and ability to support the child emotionally and financially.   

Do Courts Favor Mothers Over Fathers?

No. North Carolina law prohibits courts from favoring one parent over the other automatically. The courts must apply the best interest of the child standard in child custody cases. 

Bates Law Firm, PLLC represents mothers and fathers in mediation sessions and negotiations to resolve child custody disputes. The firm offers compassionate counsel and vigorous representation to each client because they understand and value parent-child relationships. Call (704) 694-0195 to schedule a consultation, and visit them online for more information about the firm. Like them on Facebook to receive legal news and advice.
