
Criminal convictions are subject to appeal. That means if the jury found you guilty, you have the right to file an appeal if you believe you have been wrongfully convicted. An appeal is a legal request for the next highest court to review and potentially change the guilty verdict found by a lower court. The appeal process varies by state.

The first step of filing an appeal is contacting your criminal defense attorney. Your lawyer will help you file a notice of appeal, which is a legal document that begins the appeal process. In this document, which you will file with the lower court, you’ll notify all parties of the appeal. You will also include a list of any eligible transcripts you wish to leave off the record. The clerk of the trial court will forward your notice of appeal to the proper appeals court.

criminal defenseIf your case was originally brought before a state or superior court, an appeal sends it to the Supreme Court of Georgia or the Georgia Court of Appeals, depending on the particular charges you faced. If your case was originally tried in federal court, it proceeds to whichever court of appeals is in that circuit.

Although an appeal can result in a reversal of your conviction, it is not an opportunity to present new evidence or try a new defense strategy. A successful appeal will arise as a result of legal issues in the original trial. For example, if the lawyers or presiding judge made any mistakes, you may qualify for a reversal.


If you want to file an appeal in Georgia, turn to a criminal defense attorney at Arnold & Stafford to learn more about appealing a conviction. Visit their website to read about their areas of practice, including medical malpractice and parental rights. Call (912) 289-0672 to talk to a criminal defense attorney in Richmond, GA, (912) 289-0673 for their Hinesville office, or (912) 302-4140 to schedule a free consultation in Ludowici.
