
While hair loss is a painful experience for both sexes, it’s especially difficult for women. Faced with today’s high beauty standards, women are confronted with many myths regarding the condition. It’s no secret women’s hair loss is rough, but misinformation isn’t going to help. Discovering the facts will lead you on the path to confidence. 

If your hair is beginning to thin or fall out, don’t stress too much. Thanks to Rochester, NY’s New U, experiencing the joys of luscious locks is entirely possible. With effective solutions such as hair restoration and replacement, you can count on these experts to ensure your mane always looks its best. 

Here, they debunk five common myths about women’s hair loss.

  • Hair Loss is a Sign of Aging: Since hair loss is often hereditary, it can occur at any age. Although it’s more prevalent amongst older women, even twenty-somethings experience the misfortune of hereditary hair loss, and it’s more common than many women think.
  • Birth Control Causes Women’s Hair Loss: While this might have been the case decades ago, modern birth control options don’t include androgen, which can cause hair thinning. In reality, contraceptives do the exact opposite, and many doctors prescribe them to neutralize hair loss.
  • women's hair lossHats Cause Hair Loss: Since hair get its oxygen from the scalp’s natural circulation, headwear makes no difference, so don’t blame your favorite beanie for those lost locks. Wearing it daily makes no difference in hair loss, now or down the road. 
  • Hair Products Cause Hair Loss: While dyes can result in temporary thinning or loss, there’s no concrete link between hair products and hair loss. Everyday products such as shampoos, conditioners, and sprays don’t affect the condition of the scalp whatsoever. Using excessive heat or regularly wearing too-tight hairstyles, however, can result in breakage and thinning over time. 
  • Brushing and Cutting Counteract Loss: If you’re losing strands or are noticing thinning hair, brushing won’t help it grow back. Over-brushing, however, will damage the hair you still have. Likewise, haircuts have no effect on hair growth or loss, other than refreshing the ends for a smoother feel.

Don’t let women’s hair loss stop you from feeling your best. Visit the New U website to learn more about their hair restoration and replacement options, follow the facility on Facebook to stay up-to-date, or call (585) 272-7320 to schedule your complimentary consultation today!
