
Like us, pets need ongoing medical exams to ensure they’re healthy. Pet wellness exams are especially important since animals often try to hide illness, and not everyone can spot this as well as a veterinarian. To stay on top of your pet’s health, Hilton Veterinary Hospital highly recommends that most pets come in for at least an annual checkup, and biannual exams for older pets and those with chronic health conditions.

Early Detection Is Key for Ongoing Pet Health

Serious medical problems often develop over a long period of time. When your local veterinary hospital can detect them while they’re still small, however, there’ll be able to treat them before they escalate. Symptoms can be as small as frequent urination, lethargy, or an unexplained increase in thirst—all could be linked to more serious issues. Treatment may not even need to be medical if your vet intervenes early enough; they may simply recommend a diet or exercise change. Whatever the case may be, regular pet wellness exams are the best way to ensure early detection of developing health issues.

pet wellness examRespond to Unseen Risks

Your pet could have parasites or ailments that aren’t immediately obvious, but there are laboratory tests and procedures to check for them. One procedure that vets routinely perform at pet wellness exams is feeling a pet’s abdomen for signs of organ inflammation or other abnormalities—something few pet owners are trained to do. They also run laboratory tests to check blood chemistry, look for parasites, and investigate the development of existing health conditions.

With regular pet wellness exams, your pet has the full support of a trained staff and their state-of-the-art equipment. If your beloved pet is due for a check-up, Hilton Veterinary Hospital is currently taking new patients. You can reach the Hilton, NY, based veterinary hospital at (585) 392-2937 to schedule an appointment. For more information about their care facility, visit their website.
