
Landscaping contractors have the skills to transform your yard simply by manipulating a few features. If you’re fortunate enough to have a pond, you might consider upgrading it with help from the team at Specialty Water Gardens & Landscapes. Based in Columbia, MO, this local company specializes in landscape design and installation services. Here, they explain how to freshen your outdoor area for the spring with a few simple additions.

Unique Features a Landscaping Contractor Can Add to Your Pond

1. Lighting

landscaping contractorAdding subtle lighting fixtures to your pond is a beautiful way to cast a warm glow over the water as it ripples in the moonlight. If you have a waterfall, lights can be placed strategically behind it to illuminate the movement from within. Lighting also allows flowers in and around the pond to shine—even when the sun has set.

2. Water Plants

Lily pads are a common choice for many backyard ponds. There’s something magical about the way these colorful plants float across the water and brighten your property with their blossoms. These celebrated plants are multifunctional, too—the pads offer shade to your pond’s creatures and protect them from predators on land and in the air.

3. Spitter

While the name of this water fixture may not seem elegant, the effect of its presence certainly is. These small, whimsical fountains do more than just look charming—they are also beneficial to your pond’s health. Spitters help oxygenate the water, fostering a healthy environment for your fish and plants.

If your garden could use a little boost, get in touch with the landscape design specialists at Specialty Water Gardens & Landscapes. These residential contractors can help construct a custom koi pond or procure specialty plants for an existing one. For more information, visit the company’s website, or call (573) 442-9027.
