
Although Georgia isn't known for its freezing winters, nighttime temperatures can drop to near freezing, so it makes sense to perform regular furnace maintenance to keep your HVAC system running smoothly. Economy Heating & Air, one of the most reliable and experienced furnace repair companies in Cornelia, GA, offers some furnace and AC maintenance tips below. For nearly 30 years, they have offered top-quality HVAC services and furnace installation to customers throughout the region.

5 Important AC & Furnace Maintenance Tips

Choose a High-Quality Filter

Most people choose the cheapestfurnace maintenance HVAC air filter they can find. Don't make this mistake; spend a bit more for a high-quality filter. Pleated high-efficiency filters attract dust and particulates using an electrostatic charge. This single furnace maintenance step improves your indoor air quality and prevents the spread of disease-causing bacteria.

Replace Filter Every 3 Months

Your filter loses effectiveness as it collects dust and debris, making your blower work harder. Replace your filter at least every three months for the best results.

Keep Vents Open

Don't close more than 20% of your air ducts. Doing so puts undue strain on your HVAC motor, which can lead to expensive AC or furnace repairs. To lower your utility bills without damaging your HVAC system, close off one or two rooms at most.

Clean the Blower Assembly

Regularly vacuum and wipe down the blower assembly to remove dust and debris. Dust in the assembly retains heat, which can cause the blower motor to become hotter than it should and wear out quickly.

Clean Duct Vents

Just as closing duct vents puts strain on the HVAC motor, so do clogged vents. Clean duct vents regularly to allow air to flow freely and to avoid undue wear and tear on the blower motor.  

Economy Heating & Air, the premier furnace repair and AC maintenance company in Cornelia, GA, fields a team of expert technicians who can quickly diagnose and repair any HVAC problems you face. Visit their website for contact details, or call (706) 778­-2861 to speak to a friendly, knowledgeable furnace maintenance professional about your HVAC needs.
