
We all worry about our little one’s health and safety, but it can often be difficult to distinguish between a minor concern and a major problem. If you’re worried your baby might be sick, you need to discover the source of the illness and lay out a treatment plan immediately. Your pediatrician will decide if your child is in need of medical attention, as well as the level of health care required to get them back to normal.

Based in Stevens County, Washington, Chewelah Associated Physicians is the area’s premier pediatrician. Their trusted office is well-known for providing quality medical care for the entire family—from newborns to seniors.

If you believe your baby might be sick, confirm your suspicions with the following signs:

  • Lethargy: Take notice of times when your child has little or no energy. Your baby might sleep significantly longer and appear groggy when awake, making it difficult to wake them up for cuddles, play sessions, and feedings. If a favorite toy fails to catch their attention, there’s a good chance your baby is ill. While lethargy could signal a simple cold, it could also indicate a severe infection like meningitis, which would require a trip to the hospital. If you notice these symptoms, stop by the pediatrician and get to the bottom of the issue.
  • pediatricianConstant Crying: Babies have different cries depending on what they need, whether it’s a feeding or a diaper change. However, if your infant is crying heavily without stopping, there could be a health issue at play. Crying is your child’s way of communicating, and if feeding, changing, or cuddling isn’t helping, something is wrong. This often indicates colic—a temporary condition where newborns cry nonstop for hours at a time—but it could also mean your baby is experiencing pain. 
  • Fever: Fever is a significant cause for concern in newborns, so if you notice a temperature that’s even slightly higher than normal, take your baby to the hospital. Usually, a fever indicates the presence of a bacterial or viral infection. It could be a cold, an ear infection, or something much more serious, so err on the side of caution.

If you’re concerned about your baby’s health and looking for a quality pediatrician, turn to the experts at Chewelah Associated Physicians. From trivial colds to grave infections, they’ll provide the health care services to restore your baby’s good health. Visit their online portal for assistance, or call (509) 935-8711 to schedule your appointment today.
