
Are you tired of having to wipe your mirrors clean after a hot shower? Take advantage of the knowledge found at Economy Glass & Window, and you’ll soon be able to enjoy a fog-free mirror at all times. With more than 35 years in the glass replacement business, this Cincinnati-based company has specialized in supplying their clients with high-quality bathroom mirrors and understands what a hassle it can be at times to wait for the foggy glass to clear.

4 Tips for Preventing Foggy Bathroom Mirrors

Shaving Cream

Mirrors Apply a thin layer of shaving cream to your bathroom mirror and wipe it off with a clean towel. The components in this product alter the surface tension of water droplets in steam and will prevent the mirror from fogging up for about a week or two. Reapply as necessary.

Car Wax

Any raindrops that land on the hood of a waxed car will just slide right off. This is the same reaction your bathroom mirror will have once you’ve applied a thin layer of car wax to it. All that’s required is to gently buff the glass with a clean towel once it’s dry and you’ll enjoy a fog-free mirror for weeks.


Mirrors Just as shaving cream and car wax provide a protective layer over the glass, so will a non-gel toothpaste. Spread a thin layer of the paste over the glass and wipe it off with a soft, clean towel before taking a shower.

Anti-Fog Spray

While this is a product most homeowners might not have on hand, it’s a useful solution for foggy bathroom mirrors. It uses the same method as the aforementioned items and will prevent the mirror from becoming cloudy after a hot shower. There are several types of anti-fog spray available in the industry and the best way to choose the right one is to talk with a glass replacement professional.

If you’re looking for additional tips on how to prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up, don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at Economy Glass & Window. Specializing in window replacement and knowledgeable about the latest developments in mirrors, you can depend on these friendly experts to provide the insight you seek. Call (513) 661-7748 today to talk with one of their team members.
