
As the temperature around you begins to drop, you have to start thinking about your furnace. Ensuring it’s ready for the winter months is imperative to your furnace’s longevity, which means taking the right steps to maintain it. According to Strack Heating And Air Conditioning, the top company for HVAC installation in the Ferguson, KY area, one of the simplest but critical furnace maintenance tasks which you can do regularly is to replace the filter.

Here are the top four reasons why you should replace the filter on a regular basis:

  • furnaceExtends the Life of The System: The heating system can have a hard time running because of dirty filters. Without a clean filter, it won’t be able to get as much air as it needs to function properly, which can be a strain on the system. Clean filters allow the system to run as intended, which means its service life won’t be cut short due to the failure of worn out components.
  • Reduces Energy Costs: When the air filter of an HVAC system is dirty, it is forced to work harder and use more energy than usual. Clean filters result in a system which runs efficiently, reducing your energy costs.
  • Maintains Air Quality: Dirty air filters affect the quality of air inside your home. This can become a health hazard if someone in your family suffers from asthma or allergies. Keep the filters clean to stay safe!
  • Keeps Your System Clean: Dirt in the air filters of the furnace can affect the whole HVAC system, which leads to additional costs for cleaning and repair. Cleaning the filters is a precautionary decision that can save you money in the long run.

These are four important reasons why you need to clean your air filter on a regular basis. If you want to get the best HVAC maintenance service in Ferguson, KY, contact Strack Heating And Air Conditioning at (606) 679­-3390. You may also visit their website for more information.
