
Many of us remember being told as a child how important it is to take good care of our teeth. However, many of us don’t realize the same rule applies as adults. While your dental care needs may change slightly, it’s just as crucial to pay attention to what your teeth are telling you in between visits to the dentist office. Those from Andrews, TX, trust their teeth to the knowledgeable team at Teresa Wade Family Dentistry. Your teeth and gums should be a priority, and while it’s normal to experience some wear and tear, it’s important to pay close attention to what is happening in your mouth to avoid more damage or discomfort than is necessary. 

Here is how your dental needs change as you age:

  • Gentle Care Required: Your teeth are incredibly strong, but as you age, the tough enamel you once wore proudly can start to wear down. The best thing you can do to protect the strength of your teeth is treat them with gentle care. Avoid eating ice, hard candy, or even chewy foods like meat, which cause more stress to your teeth than is necessary. 
  • dentist officeMind Your Gums: Most of us are well-informed on the proper brushing techniques to keep our teeth pearly white, but the importance of gum health often goes unnoticed. As you age, you might start to see your gums are receding or are more prone to sensitivity. By flossing every day and keeping plaque at bay, you ensure a long life of healthy, happy gums. Also, when you visit your preferred dentist office, your gums will be inspected for periodontitis, or gum disease, so schedule an appointment twice a year.
  • Be Sensitive to Sensitivity: Teeth and gums are more prone to sensitivity as you get older, so give them both the extra care and support they require. Worn-down enamel or gum problems can cause your mouth to be extremely sensitive to hot or cold temperatures. To combat this, brush and floss gently. At your next trip to the dentist office, ask if there is a special toothpaste that might benefit your sensitive teeth. 

Keeping up with dental care is difficult as you age, so it’s wise to have an understanding of how your teeth and gums change over time. Armed with the right knowledge, you can employ the proper techniques and habits at home. Perhaps your strongest tool is access to an experienced, reliable dentist. If you live in Andrews, TX, that means calling the team at Teresa Wade Family Dentistry at (432) 523-7782 or visiting them online. You will be cared for and cared about. Welcome to the family.  
