
Well installation is no small task: installing a new water well on your property can be expensive, as well as time-consuming. Because of this, the well drilling experts from Frederick Drilling Co, & Sons Inc. in Tylersburg, PA, aim to make their services efficient and affordable. They want you to get the most out of your new water well, which is why they’ve compiled some helpful tips for you.

After your water well installation, here are three important things to keep in mind, from the well drilling professionals at Frederick Drilling Co & Sons:

  • Maintain A Log: One important aspect of being a well owner is keeping track of when your well is serviced, in addition to any inspections or water testing procedures performed yourself or a licensed well drilling professional. After your well installation is completed, it’s essential to record these things in a log so you can easily identify when your well is in need of preventative maintenance or inspections.
  • Store Your Paperwork: When your well is installed, the well drilling company will provide you with a well completion report containing detailed information about the size, location, and depth of your well. Saving such paperwork will come in handy should you ever need your well serviced or repaired.
  • well-drillingCreate Maintenance Plan: If you want to ensure that your water well lasts as long as possible after it’s installed, then creating a plan and having routine maintenance done is essential. Investing in the services of a reliable well drilling company to provide preventative maintenance to your well pump and water well system will help you avoid costly repairs and extend the lifespan of your well.

For more helpful tips on what to do after well installation, contact the professionals from Frederick Drilling Co. & Sons Inc. today at (814) 744-8581. You can also visit them online for a closer look at what they do.
