
Hearing loss is categorized by the part of the ear where the problem originates. There are three main kinds, and each has different potential causes. In some cases, it is possible to reverse hearing loss with medical treatment or surgery, while hearing aids help in others. If you no longer hear as well as you used to, turn to Northwest Alabama Hearing Clinic in Hamilton, AL, for audiometric testing.

The 3 Types of Hearing Loss

1. Conductive Hearing Loss

When the outer ear canal no longer conducts sound properly to the eardrum or middle ear, it is called conductive hearing loss. Ear infections, allergies, perforated eardrums, and impacted wax can all cause conductive hearing loss, as can the malformation of the ear structures before birth. In cases when surgery does not repair congenital hearing damage, a bone conduction hearing aid may be effective. 

2. Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL)

SNHL occurs when the nerve hearing losspathways that run from the cochlea to the brain are damaged in some way. Common causes of SNHL include head trauma, aging, disease, tumors, and otosclerosis. Treatment for SNHL ultimately depends on the cause. For example, corticosteroids may be able to treat hearing loss due to head trauma or loud noises, while SNHL that occurs as a result of multiple sclerosis may respond to treatment for the disease itself.

3. Mixed Hearing Loss

Individuals who have damage in both the cochlea or auditory nerve and the ear canal, eardrum, or middle ear have mixed hearing loss. Treatment for mixed hearing loss varies, but your audiologist may recommend treating the conductive hearing loss first as it is typically less invasive.

If you are suffering from hearing loss, Northwest Alabama Hearing Clinic will help you explore your treatment options. Visit their website to learn more about audiometric testing, and call (205) 952-9944 to make an appointment in Hamilton, AL, today.
