
If you’ve lost a tooth due to periodontal disease or an injury, dental implant surgery is an excellent way to restore your smile. Milford Dental in Milford, Ohio, offers dental implants as part of their comprehensive dental care offerings. To help you preserve your new teeth following dental implant surgery, Milford Dental’s Dr. Johnson offers some essential aftercare tips. 

Your Guide To Dental Implant Surgery Aftercare 

1. Don’t Touch The Wound 

First and foremost, do not touch the wound. Avoid spitting, rinsing, or otherwise disturbing the surgical site on the day of your procedure. 

2. Expect Bleeding & Swelling 

Within the first 24 hours after the surgery, you may experience some bleeding at the surgical site. If you bleed excessively, place a gauze pad on the wound and bite on it for 30 minutes. Some swelling is also normal. To reduce any swelling, wrap some ice in a cloth, bag, or towel and hold it to your cheek. Repeatedly apply ice as often as possible within the first 48 hours. 

3. Watch What You Eat 

Drink plenty of room-temperature or cool fluids; avoid hot liquids and foods. Eat soft foods that require little or no chewing on the day of the surgery. 

4. Take OTC Pain Relievers 

Over-the-counter medication is usually effective at controlling post-surgical pain. Take the medication as soon as the local anesthetic starts to wear off. One or two pain relievers taken every three to four hours should suffice. If your pain is severe, your dentist may have prescribed a stronger painkiller; take this as directed. You should also take any antibiotics your dentist has given you. 

5. Practice Good Oral Hygiene 

dental implantPracticing good oral hygiene before and after surgery is crucial to proper healing. Your dentist will likely prescribe an oral rinse help ensure cleanliness. If so, use the rinse on the night of your surgery before going to bed. The following day, use the rinse after breakfast and again before bedtime. Also, concoct a saltwater rinse with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in a cup of warm water. Rinse with this mixture four to five times a day after eating. Brush your teeth thoroughly but gently, especially on the surgical site.  

6. Skip Intense Physical Activity 

Rest is essential in the healing process. Within the first few days after surgery, take it easy and avoid arduous tasks or exercise. If you do exercise, you may experience bleeding or throbbing at the surgical site. If this happens, stop right away. 

7. Don’t Wear Dentures 

Do not wear dentures or flippers for at least 10 days following surgery. Your dentist will tell you when it is safe to resume wearing them. 

For more information on the benefits of dental implant surgery or to inquire about other restorative or cosmetic dentistry services, call the experts at Milford Dental at (513) 575-9600 or visit their website.
