
Joy Lunan DDS News


Baby Teeth Care Basics

It's never too early to start taking good care of your baby's teeth. Here

are some baby teeth care basics:

- Prevent early childhood caries, also known as baby bottle tooth decay,

making sure baby doesn't sleep with a bottle containing any sugary liquids

-- even breast milk. And never give your child a pacifier that's been dipped

into anything sweet.

- Start brushing baby teeth as soon as the first tooth appears. Routine

baby dental care should also include massaging the gums with a clean

gauze pad. When all teeth have erupted, floss at least once a day to help

prevent the buildup of dental plaque.

- Wean your baby off thumb-sucking if he or she is still doing so by age

four. Otherwise, it can cause overcrowded or crooked teeth.

- Talk to your dentist before giving your child any fluoride dental treatment

and have your child use only un-fluoridated toothpaste until two years of


- Take your child to the dentist after the first tooth arrives or by age one.

Regular dental visits combined with daily baby teeth care can help give

your baby a good head start on the road to dental health.




