
While a dental crown may invoke funny images of a king’s hat on top of a tooth, this popular dentist’s tool has a variety of important uses for patients of all ages. Richmond’s Mark Stephens DMD restores teeth with dental crowns on a regular basis and recommends them for several conditions and cosmetic needs. 

Why Patients Need Dental Crowns

1. Root Canal Treatment 

Root canal treatments replace infected pulp but will leave your tooth hollow and susceptible to cracking. A dental crown protects the tooth and prevents it from fracturing.

dental crown2. Filling 

Large fillings may need a dental crown to cover the gap and keep it from getting contaminated or infected. In some cases, old fillings are replaced with crowns to keep the tooth from fracturing. 

3. Cracked Or Broken Teeth 

A stress fracture, also known as cracked tooth syndrome, can cause pain while chewing. It will also leave teeth vulnerable to dental emergencies. Dental crowns can instantly fix this issue. Similarly, a broken molar cusp can also be remedied by a crown.

4. Appearance

In some cases, dental crowns are purely cosmetic. Unshapely or discolored teeth are renewed with these conventional fixtures. They instantly improve the look of the front teeth and don’t require any shaving of existing ones. 

5. Wear & Tear 

Patients who grind their teeth, experience acid erosion due to medical conditions or diet, or are elderly can benefit from restorative dental crowns. 

You deserve healthy and beautiful teeth, and Dr. Stephens and his staff can provide you with the expert, friendly, and pain-free care that you need. For more information about dental crowns, call Mark Stephens DMD in Richmond, KY, at (859) 626-0069. For details about their cosmetic dentistry services, visit their website. 
