
Early literacy is about more than just giving your kid a head start in school—though that can be a boon in itself. It not only encompasses teaching your child to read, but many other important skills that will help them learn, grow, and enjoy life. Early childhood learning center Northern Lights Preschool & Child Care in Anchorage has more on the topic below.

Here are some of the most significant benefits of early reading:

  • Hone Speech Skills: Your child doesn’t even have to be in front of a book to benefit from it—simply reading aloud to your child will help them learn to speak better. Children pick up important language enunciation skills just by listening to good books. Hearing you read is even better than listening to books on tape.early childhood learning

  • Develop Language Mastery: A child with early childhood learning experience will have a foundation in a world where great communication skills are critical. When your child starts to read directly from the page, they’ll learn subtle yet important language nuances—such as the difference between “should have” and “should of,” and the correct way to pronounce “awry.”

  • Gain A Positive Attitude About Reading: By reading with your child early in life, they’ll be less likely to think of reading as a chore. Whether at home, school, or at the early childhood learning center—if they associate the activity with positive memories (e.g. bedtime stories with parents), reading will become fun and rewarding. Isn’t that how it should be?

  • Appreciate Literature: Children who read early often increase their reading level at a fast pace and become excited to devour great books. Whether their interests shift toward the classics or popular book series, gaining an appreciation for literature will build character and broaden your child’s social network.

  • Achieve Academic Success: A love of reading is closely connected to a love of learning. When your child hones their literacy skills, they’re more likely to earn good grades, think independently, have longer attention spans, and enjoy improved self-confidence. They’ll have so many more doors open to them as a result of early literacy.

If you’re interested in setting up your child for success through early childhood learning, Northern Lights Preschool & Child Care is the perfect environment for them. For more information about their prekindergarten programs and other services, call Anchorage learning center at (888) 688-8794. They’re also available online.
