
Happy New Year my furry friends and humans!  It’s that time of year when many of you humans make resolutions to lose weight.  But you aren’t the only ones who may have indulged too much this past holiday season.  Many of us felines and canines have tricked or stolen our way into extra treats and human goodies. 

Unfortunately, obesity is a huge problem for us too (pun intended).  Our figures may not matter to us, but the health concerns sure do.  Staying in shape by eating the amount of food that is appropriate for our size and getting enough exercise is very important.  Since we depend on our owners for that, make sure your owners talk with the super friendly staff at Liberty Veterinary Hospital, who will be glad to help.

I know my mom just had me in for my 6 month check-up, and my weight is up (and the holidays aren’t even over yet).  Dr. Collins discussed some low calorie food options for me since I am older now and not getting as much exercise as I used to.  A dietary change could help many of you out as well. So get your human to make your appointment today to see what is right for you.

Join me next week as I discuss signs to watch for to see if your pet is overweight.  Until then don’t’ forget to check out for all your pet health needs.

