
Your septic system is an underground treatment mechanism that disposes of waste collected from your household plumbing. Serving Dalton, GA, the team at A A & A Drain Cleaning specializes in maintaining septic tanks and sewer systems. If you experience an issue, they provide prompt, reliable service.

That comes in handy in the event of a plumbing emergency, but what exactly is going on underneath the surface? The septic system itself is quite simple, with a septic tank and a drainfield, also known as the soil absorption field. The tank is responsible for digesting everything that enters the unit via a drainage pipe.

Dalton, GA septic systemInside the tank, liquid and solid wastes are separated. The tank stores the solid waste until it transforms into a sludge-like substance, while waste such as grease settles above the sludge.

What follows next depends on the type of septic system installed on your property. A soil-based unit will dispose of the liquid waste, or effluent, and send it from the tank to a collection of pipes in the drainfield. In lieu of pipes, the effluent may also be released into a chamber. It is then discharged into surface water or soil.

There are other types of septic systems, though, in which a pump moves effluent into wetland, sand, or some form of organic product, such as peat moss. This waste, which is broken down within the system, helps prevent contaminants from harming the land and removes any damaging types of bacteria. There are even septic units that disinfect the waste product before releasing it.

If there is too much wastewater in the drainfield, the area could flood and create a backup in your home’s plumbing system. In this case, you’ll need a professional to perform a sewer cleaning or inspect the system for other problems. If you’re dealing with a septic system concern, get in touch with the experienced team at A A & A Drain Cleaning today by visiting the website or by calling (706) 226-1267.
