
The more you’re able to understand about bed bugs, the better chance you stand of avoiding the unlucky circumstance of dealing with them. If you think you might have some in your home, however, you can always count on an exterminator to help you eradicate them. Based in Hebron, KY, Select Pest Control has become known as the region’s top exterminator. Whether you need help getting rid of bed bugs, carpenter ants, or even a bee hive, the professionals will remove all unwanted critters in a safe and efficient manner. 

The time to be most vigilant about bed bugs is around summer and fall. The increase in heat triggers the creatures to be more active and develop larger appetites. Additionally, summer tends to be a dominant travel season, meaning a higher probability of infestation from hostels, motels, and other lodgings. While it can help to alert yourself during the peak season for bed bug activity, the pests are still present all year around.  

bed bugsPart of being vigilant means you know what to look for to detect bed bugs. Take a moment to scan your sheets and bedding for blood stains or flecks of discarded matter. It’s also worth looking all around your bed in hard-to-reach spots to see if you can catch sight of the bugs themselves. If you notice clusters of itchy, red bites on your skin, that also is a tip-off there may be bed bugs around. If you suspect an infestation, Select Pest Control will be able to wipe out the invaders.

For the best bed bug treatment, reach out to Select Pest Control. You can begin a conversation with their courteous staff by calling (513) 352-0080. To learn more about the company, visit their website
