
Gum disease is one of the most common dental problems that effects American adults. Not only does it make brushing and flossing uncomfortable, gum disease is also connected to a variety of other health problems, including strokes and diabetes. 119 Bridge Dental Care wants to explain the causes of gum disease. As the go-to family dentist in Portland, MI, they provide qualitative dental care services, including teeth cleaning, implants, dentures, and oral surgery. 

Here are some common causes of gum disease:gum disease

  • Poor Dental Care: Bacteria in the mouth form plaque on the teeth. Dentists recommend brushing and flossing after every meal to help remove plaque. But poor oral hygiene will allow the plaque to turn into tartar, which contributes to gum disease.
  • Smoking: Smokers are much more likely to suffer from gum disease than nonsmokers. It’s all the more reason to put down that cigarette and pick up a toothbrush.
  • Medications: While prescription medications may be necessary for our health, they can cause side effects that damage our teeth and gums. Some medicines reduce the flow of saliva or spur the growth of gum tissue, which can cause gum disease.
  • Genetics & Hormones: Even if you have the best brushing and flossing habits, and see your dentist for regular teeth cleanings, your genetics and hormonal changes may increase your chances of gum disease. 

If you have gum disease, the hygienists and dentist at 119 Bridge Dental Care will provide a customized treatment plan to optimize your oral health. To make an appointment with Portland’s most caring professionals, call  (517) 647-4511. You can also like them on Facebook.
