
Every spring, millions of Americans rush to find a tax preparation professional to help meet their filing deadlines, only to find most accountants and financial services companies have extremely limited availability. Many who do hire a professional only find out about deductions and credits they could have qualified for with some advance planning and preparation. According to ZP Tax, in Silver Spring, MD, hiring a tax preparation professional early offers a variety of critical benefits.

The first is the availability and more personal attention you're likely to receive before the busy tax season begins. ZP Tax recommends looking for a tax preparation provider in January, before your accounts and earning statements start arriving. Having already hired your provider, you'll know exactly when to bring in your documents, with whom you'll be meeting, and how to prepare your receipts, invoices, and financial statements.

tax preparationThis time of year, the tax preparation expert will also have more time to spend with each of their clients, a luxury most in the industry can't afford during tax season. They'll also be able to make recommendations about credits you may be able to claim, giving you additional time to gather receipts and find evidence you'll need that you may not have when the filing deadline looms.

If possible, finding a tax preparation expert in December may be even better, since they may be able to make year-end recommendations to maximize your deductions and cut your tax liability. Shopping around for tax help a few months in advance could save a substantial amount of money.

The tax preparation professionals at ZP Tax offer a wide range of services to individual investors to small business owners alike. Visit their website to learn more about how they can take the stress out of tax season, or call (301) 587-4829 to make an appointment today.
