
Circuit breaker systems are a convenient way to manage the electrical appliances in your home. Unlike fuses, which can blow out and need to be replaced, circuit breaker systems automatically shut off when they are overloaded and can easily be reset without the need for electrical service. Despite their convenience, circuit breakers are susceptible to several issues.

Patnode Electric has been Willington, CT’s leading residential electrical contractor since 1988. Below, the experts explain some common issues you may encounter with your circuit breaker: 

Your Circuit Breaker Trips

circuit breaker A tripped circuit breaker is the most common issue you’ll come across when using a breaker system, and fortunately, it is one of the easiest to resolve. Your circuit may trip or reset when the system becomes overloaded and can no longer handle the electrical demand of the appliances. When this occurs, locate your breaker box, and reset the tripped circuit to the “on” position. If the problem continues occurring, contact your electrician.

Your Circuit Breaker Cannot Handle the Load

Another common problem is an overloaded circuit breaker. When designed, circuit breakers are built to withstand a certain amount of voltage. If an appliance greater than the capacity of the circuit breaker is wired there, it can cause the system to overload. When this occurs, contact your electrician; they may suggest either increasing the load capacity of your circuit breaker or installing a second breaker box for the higher-voltage appliances.

Your Circuit is Miswired

Miswiring can occur during the installation or repair of your circuit breaker system. Signs of miswiring include shocks when you turn on or plug in a device or devices continuing to run even after being shut off. If you notice any signs of miswiring, contact your electrician immediately to re-wire your circuit breaker.

If you are in the Willington area and need electrical service, call (860) 429-3574, or visit Patnode Electric online. For more updates on social media, don’t forget to like them on Facebook
