
Not all damage to your roof is apparent with a just a quick glance, but you don’t have to spend all day examining your current roofing situation with a magnifying glass to determine its condition. Simply keep your eyes open—and maybe head on up to the roof—to determine if your home needs roof repair. Stuart Conrad Roofing is a locally owned and operated roofing company based in Amelia, Ohio, that’s dedicated to helping homeowners keep their houses in top shape. Specializing in residential roofing, their contractors are able to efficiently make any repairs your roof needs—and explain when you need a service call.

Keep an eye out for the following three signs you need roof repair:

  • roof repairBubbles Or Spots On The Ceiling: Before you even head outside, take a look at your ceilings. If you notice any bubbles have formed on the paint, you may be dealing with water damage. Also, watch out for any discolorations, as they also indicate water that has crept into your home. Water damage on the ceilings is frequently the result of a roof or plumbing leak.
  • Soft Or Sagging Surface: To know if you need roof repair, you’ll need to look at your home’s exterior, too. Carefully climb a ladder up to your roof and walk along its surface. If it feels soft and spongy underneath your feet, you’re going to need roof repair—it likely suffered damage from a previous storm. Also note if you feel your roof sag in any places; the more it sags, the more urgent repairs are needed.
  • Roof Leaks: Even if it rains heavily, you shouldn’t experience leaks. You likely have holes, gaps, or inefficient roofing shingles that need to be addressed immediately. If it leaked once, it’s bound to leak again and will only cause more damage the longer you delay repairs.

Learn to recognize the signs that your roofing needs professional attention. If you want to schedule a roofing inspection, the contractors at Stuart Conrad Roofing are happy to take a look. Call (513) 503-6215 to schedule a preliminary inspection and receive a quote; you can also visit their website for additional information about roof repairs, installations, and more. Want to keep in touch with the roofing pros? Follow them on Facebook!
