
If you have a root canal appointment coming up, you may be wondering just what you have in store. Today, Enterprise, Alaska’s favorite dentist, William B Collier Jr DMD, will explain how long you can expect this common procedure to take.

A root canal is needed when a tooth’s root becomes inflamed or infected. This may occur due to severe decay or an injury leading to a chip or crack in the tooth. If this issue remains untreated, it will typically lead to discomfort, pain, and sometimes, even tooth loss. This is why scheduling your root canal procedure for as soon as possible is essential. Swelling, sensitivity or tooth discoloration are a few common signs of an infection, possibly requiring this surgery. 

A root canal procedure can typically be completed within one to two visits. If two visits are required, during the first, the dentist will clean and shape the tooth’s root. During the second visit, which typically occurs about one week later, the tooth will be filled and sealed. Afterward, a dental crown will be added so as to seal off the tooth and protect it. These appointments should take somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes. In rare cases, an appointment may take up to 90 minutes. 

Thanks to modern technological advancements, this procedure is quick and comfortable. You can resume your normal schedule virtually right away. You may feel slight teeth sensitivity during the first couple of days after treatment, but otherwise, you can get back to enjoying your life. 

Whether you’re due for a teeth cleaning or a root canal, contact the professionals from Enterprise’s top family dentist. To schedule an appointment at William B Collier Jr DMD, call today at (334) 347-5026. For more information, visit the practice online. You can also like the practice on Facebook
